
Origami Charm

Origami Charm (Required Traits)

Category: Basic Traits
Species: Litteas

Each Littea has a origami charm of any shape. The origami is made up of a certain kind of material based on the story they were born from. This can be placed on any part of the body and be any shape. This object is exchanged with their life partner similar to Chaimi collars. 

Common Litteas Can have one charm, 

Uncommon Litteas can have up to two charms, 

Rare Litteas Can have up to three charms, 

Ultra Rare Litteas can have up to four charms.

Ear Plushies

Ear Plushies (Required Traits)

Category: Basic Traits
Species: Litteas

Unlike Tea Chaimis, Litteas are born with plushies that represent their story. They are usually character plushies but they sometimes relate to significant aesthetics or themes depending. The plushies can be removed to hold but they are required to appear in-ear for approval.

They can be identical or different. 

"Ita Bag" Tail Decor

"Ita Bag" Tail Decor (Required Traits)

Category: Basic Traits
Species: Litteas

Aside from their bookmarks, their tails have a few other parts to them:

> [REQUIRED] Ita Bag Tails:
Litteas must have at least one glass segment in their tail filled with the tea that brought them to life. They can be all glass or have glass sections / patterns. Their tails act as ItaBags to show off merch from their respective story. The glass is filled with a mono-colour tea with items / Merch inside from the stories they were born from. Items like plushies, and trinkets resembling items from their are all okay . The tail cannot be entirely glass.

> [OPTIONAL] Material on Tail:
Usually, They have some of their material on their base (CloudPaper or Digital) with decorations representing their story (This is optional).

Story Title

Story Title (Required Traits)

Category: Basic Traits
Species: Litteas

Each Littea has a unique story title based on the media it was born from (Example book title for common or game title or Ultra rare.) Tributes to real life franchises are Legendary Traits and follow very specific guidelines.
Each title has to be unique from blend names and story names of other Chaimis! Check the website for taken names.

Tea Blend

Tea Blend (Required Traits)

Category: Tea Blend
Species: Chaimis

Base Tea

Each Chaimi has a base tea: Green, White, Black, Chai, Rooibos, Herbal, Fruit or Oolong. Their base tea is simple and can have up to one flavour. I.e. "Apple Chai". The more teas or flavours added to their blend, the rarer the Chaimi.


1 Tea: Common2 Teas: Uncommon3 Teas: Rare4 Teas: Ultra Rare

The rarer your Chaimi, the more teas can be added to their blend. This can be a basic flavour or can be a second base tea with a flavour.
Common Chaimis:  can have only 1 base tea and 0-1 flavours. (Example: White Peach tea.)
Uncommon Chaimis:  can have 1-2 base teas in their blend and 0-2 flavours (Example: White Peach + Green Apricot)
Rare Chaimis:  can have 1-3 base teas in their blend and 0-3 flavours  (Example: White Peach + Green Apricot + Hibiscus)
Ultra Rare Chaimis:  can have 1-4 base teas in their blend and 0-4 flavours  (Example: White Peach + Green Apricot + Hibiscus + Lavender Oolong)
Blend Name

Blend Name (Required Traits)

Category: Tea Blend
Species: Chaimis

Your Chaimi has their own name but the blend they come from must also have a name. This name must be unique from others on the masterlist. Similar names will not be accepted so try to come up with something unique!

Decorated Tail

Decorated Tail (Required Traits)

Species: Lattears

Unlike tea Chaimis, Lattears do not have teabags on their tail. Their tails have decorations representing the other ingredients in their blend. They can appear as charms, physical items, or symbolic representations.

NOTE: In order to be approved, the Lattear must have tail decor from their blend (not just add-ins)

Coffee Charm

Coffee Charm (Required Traits)

Species: Lattears

Each Lattear has a Coffee Charm. The Charm is always representative of their style and can be worn anywhere visible on the body. The Charm is a glass ornament that holds their or their life partner’s brewed Coffee. The ornament can be any shape. The blend must follow rarity guidelines and add-ins must be visible in the Charm!

Coffee Blend (Flavors)

Coffee Blend (Flavors) (Required Traits)

Category: Coffee Blend
Species: Lattears

The rarer your Lattear, the more flavours can be added to their blend. This can be a basic flavour or can be a second base tea with a flavour.
Common Lattears:  can have only one flavour in their blend (Example: White Peach tea.)
Uncommon Lattears:  can have up to 2 flavours in their blend
Rare Lattears:  can have up to 3 flavours in their blend
Ultra Rare Lattears::  can have up to 4 flavours in their blend
NOTE: Coffee types like Mocha that have additional flavours like Chocolate will take up a flavour.

Coffee Blend Name

Coffee Blend Name (Required Traits)

Category: Coffee Blend
Species: Lattears

Your Lattear has their own name but the blend they come from must also have a name. This name must be unique from others on the masterlist. Similar names will not be accepted so try to come up with something unique!

Coffee Type

Coffee Type (Required Traits)

Category: Coffee Blend
Species: Lattears

Each Lattear has a certain way their coffee was brewed. :
Black, Doppiom, Latte, Cappuccino, Espresso, Americano, Cafe Au Lait, Double Double (Two creams + Sugars), Regular(1 Cream, 1 sugar), Cortado, Affogato, Red Eye, Macchiato, Mocha, Lungom, Lungo, Flat White, Ristretto, Turkish, Cafe Breve, Gibraltar, Vienna, Piccolo Latte, Espresso Romano, Black Eye, Cafe Cubano, Frappe, Long Black

NOTE: Due to the alcoholic nature, Irish Coffee and Carajillo as well as any alcoholic coffee types are NOT permitted. Your decorations should match this. View websites like These to better understand what these mean. NOTE: Coffee types like Mocha that have additional flavours like Chocolate will take up a flavour.

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