Sour-Scales: Silas

Owned by BunnyProtag

A once hot-headed and over emotional dragon has become more of a playful, friendly soul over the years in an attempt to control his temper.

An impulsive boy who's always on the go - or, that's how he's generally perceived by others! While in public, he's always bouncing from place to place, seemingly trying to find his next point of entertainment, dragging along those he's friends with in an attempt to seem interesting to them. He's a regular in the music scene, and quite the singer and guitarist - he can often be found busking in parks for entertainment if he's not doing shows, living for the positive attention it brings.

Terrified of being boring, he doesn't feel relaxed around most others -- Silas refuses to appear at anything other than his best... And wants others to acknowledge this! He's flashy!  A show off! He craves affirmation! And thus, tends to overthink when he doesn't get it, ending up anxious.  

Many who know him might be surprised to find he lives a more quiet life at home: his main hobbies aside from music being maintaining a goldfish pond, meditating, photography, and enjoying a gentle spiritual life. These are pretty newfound interests to him, as a younger Silas would have found these activities pretty boring -- but these days he's seeking as much comfort as he can find.


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