Autumns-Bounty: Leona

Owned by IzayoiHaze

Leona "Autumn's Bounty" has a tea blend consisting of orange black tea and apple green tea~


Although somewhat unusual for a cat Chaimi Léona is extremely shy and very self-conscious about this fact. Of course to most others he doesn't come off as shy but rather quiet and a little bit standoffish. He finds his social awkwardness irritating and, because of that, sometimes expresses it through anger causing a sort of self-fullfilling prophecy effect. He's terrible at making friends, though he tries, and has a lot less self-esteem than people would expect. He's resigned himself to the cold and intimidating aura he gives off and has a 'bad boy' aesthetic going as it only seems fitting.

Most of Léona insecurities, however, come from the fact he's a Chaimi. Because of his shyness and temper he doesn't believe he's very helpful in calming people down and, in fact, believes he screws things up more often than he helps. He wants nothing more than to be good at what he's supposed to do, as he genuinely enjoys helping people, but asking for help himself is something he always struggles with. He never seeks advice or tells anyone if he thinks he's messed up, so he normally bottles it up and lets the bad mood stir... Still he doesn't give up and is a very hard worker. He may not believe it, but he's much better at his job than he thinks.


  • Chocolate oranges and caramel apples
  • Warm tea on cool days
  • Shounen anime
  • Candle making
  • Photography


  • Summer
  • His shyness
  • Parties
  • Horses

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