Artemiss-Lullaby: Luna

Owned by IzayoiHaze
Image #212
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
Last Edited: 3 years ago


27 February 2021, 22:29:58 EST

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Luna "Artemis's Lullaby" has a tea blend consisting of herbal lavendar tea + passionflower~


Luna is very mellow to the point she can come off as a bit spacey and sleepy. This often causes people to view her as naive and in need of constant supervision, but the truth is she's just an exceptionally relaxed person. In fact she's actually rather smart and observant, though she does sometimes play up the naive act for attention. She does like to be doted on a bit after all. Although Luna seems like the clumsy type she's actually got great balance and appears very graceful in everything she does.

Luna is very confident and proud of her looks. She loves wearing cute and pretty things, especially if they have sparkles or frills. Despite her drawbacks though Luna is also very kind and always wants to lend a helping hand. She doesn't enjoy when people are sad or upset, and does her best to cheer them up. Luna isn't very emotional on the outside and most of the emotions she expresses are muted, but she feels them strongly on the inside.


  • Anything music related
  • Stargazing
  • Hanging out in cafes
  • Daydreaming
  • Writing


  • The beach
  • Anything considered "bad luck"
  • Cold showers
  • Large birds

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