7-colored-Dream: Zero

Owned by IzayoiHaze
Image #226
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Uploaded: 3 years ago
Last Edited: 3 years ago
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27 February 2021, 23:18:27 EST

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Zero's story is a slice of life and romance genre called "The Endless 7-Colored Dream" and is a tribute to Idolish7~


Fitting of an idol Zero has a very charismatic personality. Somehow he's often able to draw people in and start conversations, even those who are more on the shy side, making him someone who's a bit tough to dislike. That said Zero has is own eccentricities that only those who interact with him multiple times will even notice. Although often having the spotlight on him Zero actually prefers quiet time to himself over constant interactions with people. He doesn't dislike interactions, but he is more on the introverted side. Zero works hard and is very passionate about what he does but he also gets exhausted easily. Often times he'll be found passed out somewhere rather than sleeping in a bed which, sometimes, causes inconveniences for other people. Even so Zero means well; he can just go a little too far sometimes.

Likely because of his work schedule Zero has a lot of trouble holding down any relationships. This sometimes causes him to feel a bit lonely especially when seeing other couples on the street. He's developed a bit of a flirtatious personality to try and combat some of that lonliness, but he rarely ever means it seriously as he believes most people wouldn't find him worth all the trouble. It's a small spot of insecurity for him; one that he often hides from others (just like all his insecurities).


  • Romance stories
  • Napping
  • Teas on the sweeter side
  • Anything music related
  • Collecting bookmarks


  • Early mornings
  • Running late
  • Lonely feelings
  • Heavy foods

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